Is Our Attention Span Shorter Than a Goldfish's'?


With so much information out there, it's said that our attention span is getting shorter. So I'll keep this short...

Studies have shown that our attention span is now eight seconds, depending what you read or who you speak to.  A goldfish's is either 8 or 9 secs. When I was at school in the 80's and 90's it was said to be 10 minutes. 

There is a lot of information indicating that people find videos more engaging, and studies are showing that consumers' preference for video is increasing year on year.  

You can test this theory by sharing a 20sec video to your social channels and see how that compares to a wordy post. I've tested it and had more views than a regular post. 


Further reading if you're still focused.

[This information is general in nature written for the non-marketing professional in small and sole trader businesses. For more detailed information and definitions please contact Pickled Pear Media]